
TW05 Securing Attack Paths into Active Directory: Thinking Like an Attacker

August 10th, 2022

9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Introductory Intermediate

Derek Melber

19X Microsoft MVP in Active Directory, Group Policy, and Security

Chief Business Officer


Attackers don't think in lists and spreadsheets. Attackers function by looking at paths, AKA attack paths. "How can I get to where I am going from where I am?" Let 17X Microsoft MVP Derek Melber describe how attackers compromise, enumerate, move laterally, elevate privileges, etc. with such ease. Then, he will flip the script and discuss how you can secure your network by looking at attack paths and blast radiuses. By the end of this session, you will see how you can beat the attackers at their own game.

You will learn:

  • What is an attack path and what is blast radius
  • What information can an attacker gain with attack path views
  • How to protect Active Directory by using attack paths