Client and Endpoint Management

TH04 Total Windows Software Management in Cloud Era

August 6th, 2020

9:30am - 10:45am

Level: Intermediate Advanced

Mikko Järvinen

IT Services

University of Turku

Successful software deployments need good packages. Different installers, package types and technologies do not make things too easy. Is it exe, script, msi, appx, msix or just a bunch of files wrapped together with a duct tape - you must be sure when a package is ready for deployment.

Modern software lives in the cloud. Maybe you run software in a web browser. Maybe you need an additional plugin, add-on or a desktop client. Maybe the software is a web browser. Maybe the software is only available in the online Store. Configuration possibilities might be limited and vary greatly between applications. Additionally, managing software updates might be challenging - or you cannot manage them at all.

After this session, you will know how to effectively utilize different software package types and deployment technologies.

You will learn:

  • Current and emerging packaging technologies and how to use them
  • How to work with packages from the cloud (Microsoft Store, Office 365 Pro Plus, etc.)
  • How to keep software updated and stay secure