Infrastructure, Hands-On Labs

TM01 Continued: Hands-On Lab: Fundamentals of Active Directory

August 5th, 2024

1:30pm - 5:15pm

Level: Intermediate

Cristal Kawula


TriCon Elite Consulting

Dave Kawula

Principal Consultant

TriCon Elite Consulting

On-prem is not dead and Active Directory will remain a part of your modern computing environment for the foreseeable future. In this hands-on lab you will learn about the fundamentals of Active Directory including: Design, Deployment, Hardening, Management, Backup & Recovery, and more. Come prepared to learn as our expert instructors will guide you through a day of lab exercises geared to get you up to speed as fast as possible.

You will learn:

  • About Active Directory Fundamental Concepts
  • About tools of the trade used to manage Active Directory
  • How to properly harden domain controllers, Backup & Restore, and gain operational knowledge of Active Directory

Attendee Requirements

  • You must provide your own laptop computer (Windows or Mac) for this hands-on lab.
  • You will need a machine with internet access + the ability to RDP outbound. If applicable, please ensure your corporate firewall will allow you to RDP outbound.