Soft Skills for IT Pros

TW08 Fast Focus: Inspire, Motivate and Educate Your End-users

August 5th, 2020

1:30pm - 1:50pm

Level: Introductory Intermediate

Ulrika Hedlund

Productivity Advisor and edTech-entrepreneur

With a constant introduction of new tools and frequent updates, keeping users motivated and educated on the latest becomes a challenge. With today's information overload, it's difficult to cut through the noise and get people's attention. But, if users don't adopt the modern tools they have access to, and change their behavior, the value of the technology is not realized. In this session, you will get an insight to what customers around the world are doing to drive adoption of Office 365. You will also see how the power of storytelling can be used to inspire, motivate and educate end users.