Automating Configuration Management

T05 The DSC v4/v5 Crash Course

August 4th, 2015

2:15pm - 3:30pm

Level: Intermediate Advanced

Don Jones


Curriculum Director for IT Pro Content


Learn how to use Microsoft's new Desired State Configuration—including all-new information applicable to PowerShell v5. PowerShell MVP Don Jones, principle author of The DSC Book, will guide you through DSC's many options for creating documented server configurations that always stay on-track. You'll learn about the DSC Resource Kit, Pull Server infrastructure planning, GUID tracking approaches, and much more. Don even includes real-world examples from customers who are actively using DSC in production.

You will learn:

  • About different approaches to configuration modularization
  • How to design build/test/production environments using DSC
  • What does and doesn't work for DSC reporting