Advanced Troubleshooting, Hands-On Lab

TH05 Using Big Data Tools to Analyze Log Files, Event Logs and Performance Metrics - (BYOL-HOL)

August 6th, 2015

2:00pm - 5:00pm

Level: Intermediate Advanced

Hal Rottenberg

Developer Evangelist


The keys to understanding your IT environment and troubleshooting any issues are created by or contained within our systems. This machine data often comes in the form of log files, Windows event logs, and performance metrics. In order to make the most efficient use of this massive volume of information, it must first be collected and stored within a central repository, and then indexed for speedy retrieval. Let's apply some big data tools to address these challenges! In this hands-on session, you will install Splunk, and use it to solve challenges relevant to you today. Examples may include:

  • Troubleshooting: My app broke! Help me to quickly find the root cause.
  • Security: How do I know who is logging on to what systems and devices RIGHT NOW and over the past three months?
  • Visibility: Our teams are siloed, and management just wants answers. I need to show anyone in the company (not just IT) what the hell is going on with IT services at any time.
  • DevOps: We are iterating quickly, and must understand the impact of changes as they occur.

You will learn:

  • About machine data, and its importance in solving everyday IT challenges
  • How to install Splunk, and use it to collect machine data
  • How to find meaning in massive amounts of unstructured data