Cloud-Native Development, Full Day Hands-On Labs

CCHOL01 Hands-On Lab: Building Microservice Applications Using .Net on Azure Container Apps


9:00am - 6:00pm

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Loek Duys



Kubernetes has all the hype, but do you actually need all this complexity for your distributed application? There is a big trend happening by cloud providers to provide all the features Kubernetes brings without the complexity, and Azure Container Apps is Microsoft’s take at this.

In this full-day hands-on workshop you'll learn how you can build and deploy containerized applications using Azure Container apps from scratch using .NET.

It includes all the nice features it brings such as blue/green deployments, Dapr, and autoscaling using Keda. Join this hands-on workshop to get ready to deploy your own microservice applications using Azure Container Apps.

You will learn:

  • About building microservice applications using Container Apps
  • How to do CICD with container apps
  • About using advanced features like Keda & Dapr hands-on

Attendee Requirements:

  • You must provide your own laptop computer (Windows or Mac) for this hands-on lab.
  • All other requirements will be posted 2 weeks prior to the conference.