Edward Horley
Principal Solutions Architect
Groupware Technology
Ed Horley is a Principal Solutions Architect at Groupware Technology in the San Francisco Bay Area and is the author of Practical IPv6 for Windows Administrators from Apress. He is actively involved in IPv6 serving as the co-chair of the California IPv6 Task Force http://www.cav6tf.org/ and the North American IPv6 Task Force http://www.nav6tf.org/
Ed is a current Microsoft MVP (first awarded back in 2004) and has spent the last 15+ years working in networking as an IT Professional. He is actively involved in the Pacific IT Professionals users group http://www.pacitpros.org/ - the largest IT Pro user group in Northern California. Ed enjoys Umpiring Women's Lacrosse when he isn't playing around on IPv6 networks. Contact him at [email protected] or check out his blog at http://www.howfunky.com/