Cloud (Public/Hybrid/Private)

W11 Azure is 100% High-Available... Or Is It?

August 8th, 2018

1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Advanced

Peter De Tender

Azure Technical Trainer


While public cloud solutions like Azure are obviously built with a high availability in mind, it takes a bit more design effort to really get your workloads 100 percent highly-available. And that's exactly what this session is about–learning how to elevate the uptime of your Azure IAAS and PAAS workloads, to go from the out-of-the-box default SLA's to an almost 100 percent SLA. Starting from Virtual Machines, Networking and Storage design best practices, you'll jump over to Platform services and walk through several architectural and services designs.

You will learn:

  • About the Azure standard SLA and where to find the correct information
  • How to update your Azure IAAS workload designs to go from 99% uptime to at least 99.95%
  • How to update your Azure PAAS workload designs to go from 99% uptime to at least 99.95%