Client and Endpoint Management

T14 How to Use PowerShell to Become a Windows Management Superhero

August 7th, 2018

2:45pm - 4:00pm

Level: Advanced

Petri Paavola

Yodamiitti Oy

In this demo-heavy session, you'll see how to use PowerShell in real life Windows management scenarios. PowerShell can be as simple as batch script or it can be fully blown C# coding or anything between them. There are a few basic tips and tricks which will help you on your journey to become Windows-management PowerShell Superhero. You'll see how many Windows management tasks are done in real life with PowerShell.

Automation and scripts are only one part of PowerShell. You can also do fully blown graphical UIs with PowerShell. With only three letters, you can have the GUI made automatically for us. You'll learn how you can build easy to use graphical solutions with PowerShell GUIs.

You will learn:

  • Tips and tricks in real life Windows management with PowerShell
  • How to make GUIs easily with PowerShell to help our customers' everyday life
  • Why you need to learn PowerShell to be the Windows Management Hero in your organization