Cloud (Public/Hybrid/Private)

TH15 Azure CLI 2.0 Deep Dive

August 9th, 2018

2:15pm - 3:30pm

Level: Intermediate

Neil Peterson

Cloud Advocate


Azure has a new Command Line Interface, the Azure CLI 2.0. This powerful tool provides cross platform provisioning, management, and automation capabilities for Azure services with an easy to understand interface. In this session, you'll start with the basics and work your way towards complex end to end Azure deployments using the Azure CLI 2.0. Whether you work on a Mac, Windows, or Linux system, this session will get you ramped on managing Azure with the CLI 2.0.

You will learn:

  • How to install and configure the Azure CLI or run it in a Docker container
  • How to deploy, manage, and automate Azure resources
  • How to query data from Azure using the CLIs querying capabilities