Server / Datacenter, Workshops, Hands-On Lab / Ride Along

M02 Workshop: Architecting Modern Identity Using Azure Active Directory (BYOL-RA)

August 7th, 2017

9:00am - 12:00pm

Level: Intermediate

Kunal D Mehta



Azure AD is the center of all identity and access in the cloud. Every Microsoft product in the cloud and thousands of third party applications depend on it for validating user accounts online. Azure, Office 365, EMS, Intune, OMS, all of them leverage Azure AD to store their user identities data.

This session will take a deep dive into Azure AD — what it is, its architecture, AD Connect tool, B2B, B2C, AAD Domain Services, creating and configuring user accounts, groups, policies, granting access to applications, and configuring the Application Proxy. You'll also get to experience the brand new Azure AD Admin Experience.

By the end of this session, you will have enough understanding of Azure AD to deploy a test environment in your own organization and set up the basic things to plan and assess for a potential adoption strategy. This will be a demo heavy session you can follow along if you have an Azure subscription and a laptop.

You will learn:

  • About the architecture, AAD Connect tool, B2B, B2C, AAD Domain Services
  • How to create and configure users, groups, policies, and grant them access to applications
  • About the brand new Azure AD Admin Experience