Windows PowerShell, Hands-On Labs / Ride Along

W01 Toolmaking: Building Reusable Tools in PowerShell (BYOL-RA)

August 13th, 2014

9:30am - 12:30pm

Level: Intermediate

Don Jones


Curriculum Director for IT Pro Content


Turn your PowerShell console skills into reusable, modularized tools – following community-recognized best practices and patterns. PowerShell author and columnist Don Jones, co-founder of, leads you from one-line commands into complete tools that look, feel, smell, and taste like native PowerShell cmdlets.

You'll need a bare minimum of programming (which Don teaches you – no prior experienced needed) to start producing surprisingly-effective tools that leverage PowerShell's existing functionality and capabilities. With your new tools in hand, you can start to automate business processes, build self-service tools, and leverage the always-expanding universe of PowerShell features. Mostly applicable to PowerShell v2 and later, although the focus is on PowerShell v3 on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 and later.

You will learn:

  • How to turn shell commands into reusable tools
  • How to design modular units of task and process automation
  • Best practices for toolmaking

This is a Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) Ride-Along (RA) class. A laptop is not required, and the instructor will not provide specific hands-on labs, but you may wish to follow along with the instructor's examples. Power will be available in the room. Your laptop should have Windows Management Framework v3.0 or later installed (available on Windows 7 and later). The instructor will also make all in-class code available for download after the conference via the TechMentor attendee website.