Advanced Group Policy

T03 Kill Roaming Profiles: Manage the Desktop Experience with Group Policy, Microsoft UE-V, and 3rd Party Tools

August 12th, 2014

9:45am - 11:00am

Level: Intermediate

Jeremy Moskowitz

Jeremy Moskowitz

Group Policy MVP

Founder / PolicyPak Software

You've been using Roaming Profiles for years, and basically, you hate it. I know. Microsoft knows it too, which is why they've recently released Microsoft User Experience Virtualization manager, or UE-V for short. What does U-EV do? Who is licensed for it? How do you install, configure, manage and deal with it? You're going to find out in this session from Group Policy MVP and desktop ninja master Jeremy Moskowitz. Learn where UE-V works great, and also what it doesn't do, and where 3rd party tools can fill the gap in this important piece of desktop management.

You will learn:

  • Why you can live without roaming profiles
  • Understand Microsoft's pay tool, Microsoft User-Experience Virtualization and other 3rd party pay tools
  • What are the missing pieces when you replace a PC, and how to ensure those settings always come back

Important Note: This session will discuss FOR COST tools. Some are provided by Microsoft, while others are from 3rd party vendors. The variety of free tools available will not be discussed in this session.