Windows Server

T02 Migrating Failover Clusters - Time to Upgrade?

August 12th, 2014

9:45am - 11:00am

Level: Intermediate

Bruce Mackenzie Low

Bruce Mackenzie-Low


Systems Software Engineer

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

You've finally migrated your last Windows Server 2003 cluster to Windows Server 2008 R2, but did you know mainstream support for Windows 2008 R2 ends on January, 2015! That's less than a year away!

Join Bruce as he explores the differences between the Failover Cluster versions and what features are worth your while to upgrade. Is Windows Server 2012 R2 really just SP1 for 2012? Learn what to consider when migrating your cluster and the best industry practices for accomplishing the job. Leave this session with the confidence you'll need to make a smooth transition your next version of Windows.

You will learn:

  • Best practices for migrating Windows failover clusters
  • Compelling reasons/features to upgrade
  • Pitfalls to avoid to make for a smooth transition