Windows Server, Hands-On Labs / Ride Along

MW02 Advanced Windows Troubleshooting Workshop (BYOL-HOL)

August 11th, 2014

9:00am - 5:30pm

Level: Advanced

Bruce Mackenzie Low

Bruce Mackenzie-Low


Systems Software Engineer

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Immerse yourself in a full day of troubleshooting as you leverage free tools and expert techniques to tackle the toughest Windows outages – with expert Windows troubleshooter Bruce Mackenzie-Low as your guide.

Gain hands-on experience with your own laptop as you learn how to analyze BSODs, server hangs, and performance issues. Utilize free state-of-the-art tools from Microsoft such as the new Windows 2012 R2/Windows 8.1 Performance Toolkit as you isolate performance bottlenecks in hands-on labs. Investigate real-world case studies while you learn debugging techniques to identify failing software drivers and hardware components. Leave this workshop with the knowledge and confidence you'll need to resolve your most challenging issues for years to come!

This is a Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) Hands-On Lab (HOL) class. The instructor will provide hands-on experiences during class, which you will accomplish on your laptop. Power will be available in the room. Your laptop should be prepared with a Windows 7 or later operating system with at least 2GB of free space for installing tools.