Hybrid Cloud and Virtualization, Hands-On Labs / Ride Along

FW05 Integrating Your On-Premise Active Directory with Azure and Office 365 (BYOL - HOL)

August 15th, 2014

1:00pm - 4:00pm

Level: Intermediate Advanced

As an I.T. Administrator, you have opened your datacenter doors into the Microsoft Azure Cloud and Office 365. Managing the core means of identity, resources, and access management that you’re on premise Active Directory gives you today and integrating it into Windows Azure Active Directory (WAAD) and Office365 can seem a bit overwhelming. This deep dive will cover everything from the basics to help fully understand what the possibilities are to ensure you have the knowledge necessary for a successful cloud infrastructure, right down to the scripting code you can use to get your job done. Bring your Laptop and an active Azure Subscriber or Trial Subscription (available here http://azure.microsoft.com) and you can follow along and setup your Azure AD and Office 365 integration right in the session.

You will learn:

  • Setup, integrate, and manage your Azure AD presence
  • Integrate Office 365 with ADFS and DirSync for identity methods including Single SignOn and Same SignOn
  • Learn to use and script with the Microsoft Azure Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell
  • Real World Scenarios and Tips

This is a Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) Hands-On Lab (HOL) class. The instructor will provide hands-on experiences during class, which you will accomplish on your laptop. Power will be available in the room. Your laptop should have active Azure Subscriber or Trial Subscription (available here http://azure.microsoft.com) and you can follow along and setup your Azure AD and Office 365 integration right in the session.