Mobility and BYOD (MOB)

W10 Developing a Secure and Cohesive B.Y.O.D Strategy (MOB)

March 6th, 2013

1:30PM - 2:45PM

Level: Introductory Intermediate

John O'Neill Sr.


Chief Technologist

AWS Solutions

Today, with a more mobile workforce leveraging powerful devices along with the Cloud, organizations of all types are considering a Bring Your Own Device strategy. Are you considering how one can help your organization? B.Y.O.D. seems to promise the opportunity to increase user productivity, efficiency, and satisfaction. All by allowing the user to use devices they are already familiar with. While this sounds great, the reality is that implementing a successful B.Y.O.D. strategy can be a complex task that if done incorrectly can do more harm than good to the bottom line. Attend this session to gain proven strategies for developing, implementing, and supporting a B.Y.O.D. strategy that will perfectly fit your organization!

You will learn:

  • The pros and cons of B.Y.O.D.
  • Tips for implementing a strategy that reduces end-user device troubleshooting and support
  • Management and Technology considerations
  • Security in a B.Y.O.D. world
  • Developing a strategy for managing and supporting mobile apps