Windows PowerShell and Automation (PSH)

T02 Learn the Secrets of Windows PowerShell Remoting (PSH)

March 5th, 2013

9:15AM - 10:30AM

Level: Intermediate Advanced

Don Jones


Curriculum Director for IT Pro Content


PowerShell Remoting is a mandatory management protocol for Windows Server 2012, and it’s a way to make remote management faster and easier – all the way back to Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP. Don covers the basics – WinRM, WS-MAN, and more – along with advanced configurations like multi-hop CredSSP authentication, cross-domain authentication, and more. You’ll even get tips and details on how to explain Remoting to your IT security team, and a free 100+ page ebook that provides step-by-step configuration and troubleshooting directions!

You will learn:

  • Learn about the underlying Remoting technologies
  • Get the “pros” and “cons” from a security perspective
  • Learn about advanced and unusual configurations