Mobility and BYOD (MOB)

TH08 Deconstructing Windows 8 and Windows RT: Finally, a Workable Tablet Solution...? (MOB)

March 7th, 2013

11:00AM - 12:15PM

Level: Introductory Intermediate

Matthew B. Parks, Sr.


Director of Information Technology

PACE Center for Girls

Whether a municipality, corporation, or an educational enterprise, your IT department is feeling the Top/Down or Bottom/Up pressure of consumerization. The reason mobile tablets are gaining so much traction is simple; computers, whether Mac or PC, are too much for the average user. And just your bad luck, one of those average users is your boss and they are leading the charge to include light-weight, easy to use mobile tablet devices into the workplace. Your IT department is being inundated with request to add iPad, iPhone, and Androids to your beloved enterprise network. Unfortunately, more and more companies that have taken that plunge into consumerization are now choking on a heaping helping of buyer's remorse. Put simply, iDevices and Androids have come a long way, but they are still not true computer replacements. IT either has to retrofit and dumb down the enterprise network or segment the consumer devices onto a network of their own. Face it, Consumerization is coming to an enterprise near, so don't just embrace it, get ahead of it. Queue Windows 8 and all of enterprise glory. Windows RT offers companies a more centrally manageable, consumer option that can more easily shim in Windows enterprise, while Windows 8 Pro and Enterprise machines offer enterprise tested technology in that same consumer-friendly UI. Attendees will learn why they should confidently consider Windows RT and Windows 8 as a deployment option.

You will learn:

  • Management options for RT in the enterprise
  • Deployment options for Windows 8 Pro and Enterprise
  • Support considerations