Smarter Administration for Windows

W02 J. Peter Bruzzese Presents: The Very Best Windows 8 Tips, Tricks and Tools

August 22nd, 2012

9:15am - 10:30am

Level: Introductory Intermediate

J. Peter Bruzzese

ClipTraining/Conversational Geek/InfoWorld/Mimecast

Windows 8 is new and the tips are tricks are already pouring in. Too often admins deploy an OS like Windows 8 without really knowing all the latest and greatest features that will benefit users. This session will start with some of the lighter features, tips and tricks and then build toward more advanced feature enhancements. In addition, we'll discuss must-have tools that will improve Windows 8 performance, security and functionality.

You will learn:

  • Quick user-oriented tips to working more efficiently with Windows 8
  • Deeper, admin oriented tricks to performance testing and security enhancements.
  • Microsoft (and third-party) enhancements through tools you can download and benefit from.