Mastering Windows PowerShell

T04 Don Jones' No-Scripting, No-Programming PowerShell Crash Course

August 23rd, 2012

8:00am - 9:15am

Don Jones


Curriculum Director for IT Pro Content


OK, you've put it off long enough, and it's time to learn PowerShell. You're not too late! With Microsoft building more and more products on and around the new shell, it’s a good addition to the skills list! Forget talk of PowerShell being a "scripting language". PowerShell is a command-line shell, and if you can run Ping, you can learn PowerShell.

Windows PowerShell author, MVP, and columnist Don Jones make the shell easy to learn with his casual teaching style and focus on what really matters. You'll learn key techniques for being effective, and you'll get the inside scoop on the gotchas that trip up newcomers. Whether you're in charge of Exchange, SharePoint, SQL Sever, Windows client or server, VMware, Hyper-V, or any other "shelled" technology, this is your fastest way to familiarity with the new world order!