DevOps, Workshops

TM04 Workshop: Managing Hyper-V with PowerShell

March 7th, 2016

1:00pm - 4:00pm

Level: Intermediate Advanced

Jeffery Hicks

PowerShell MVP

Senior Technology Fellow

JDH IT Solutions

It seems you can't walk across the datacenter without tripping over some piece of virtualization software. If you run a Windows shop, that's most likely Microsoft Hyper-V. Even better, starting with Windows 8, you could run Hyper-V on a client giving you an instant test environment. But it doesn't matter if you need to manage a desktop Hyper-V setup or a set of corporate servers. You can do it all from your desktop with Windows PowerShell. This session led by PowerShell expert Jeff Hicks will have plenty of live demonstrations showing how to manage just about everything in Hyper-V from creating new virtual machines, to managing snapshots to health reporting to troubleshooting. If your laptop has Windows 8.1 or later with Hyper-V, you are welcome to follow along but this is not a hand-on lab. But don’t worry. All demos and samples will be made available.

You will learn:

  • How to use the Hyper-V cmdlets
  • How to manage Hyper-V virtual machines with PowerShell
  • How to troubleshoot Hyper-V with PowerShell