An All New Focus on Windows Desktop Administration and Application Delivery

W1 Do You Need VDI? Determining Your Virtualization Decision Tree

October 12th, 2011

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

J. Peter Bruzzese

ClipTraining/Conversational Geek/InfoWorld/Mimecast

VDI is a hot topic these days.  Just about everyone is at least considering it, if not evaluating how to deploy it and which approach to take. Before thinking about how to deploy VDI, however, it’s good to start with whether it’s even the right choice.  Could another virtualization approach suit your needs better?  The answer might surprise you.  In this session, J. Peter Bruzzese talks about the business drivers for all the various types of virtualization.  He gives you a list of considerations to help you pick the right one—or the combination of them –that best suits your needs.