Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse and Data Lake

SQT02 Power BI Data Wrangling - Choosing the Best Feature for the Job


9:15am - 10:30am

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

Angela Henry

Data Platform MVP

Principal Consultant


Your boss has heard all the buzz about Power BI and wants you to start using it to make the business users happy and reduce the demands on IT staff. In this two-day workshop, we will introduce the capabilities of the Power BI suite of tools, including data cleansing, modeling, visualization, and analysis. Then we will take it the next level, exploring some of the more advanced features as well as providing you with best practices and guidelines for long term success.

You will learn:

  • How to clean and model multiple sources of data
  • How to visualize and analyze data more effectively
  • How to apply best practices in the Power BI ecosystem