Keys to SharePoint Success Strategy Governance Adoption, Workshops

SPF02 Workshop: Create Your End User Adoption Strategy


8:00am - 5:00pm

Level: Intermediate

Erica Toelle

Erica Toelle

Business Architect and Consultant

End User Adoption is an important area of focus in your SharePoint project. This workshop will take a close look at the End User Adoption work stream on a SharePoint project and the associated roles, responsibilities, deliverables and tasks for the project plan. It will also review case studies to demonstrate how these differ based on the size of the project and the needs of the organization.

Specifically, the discussion will include:

  • A sample project plan and resource descriptions for the End User Adoption / Organizational Change Management work stream
  • An assessment to determine the organizational culture risk factors are present in your company and strategies for how to mitigate these risks
  • Avenues for executive and leadership buy in and how to obtain their endorsement
  • How to properly identify project stakeholders and gain their support and resources
  • Types of ongoing SharePoint programs to sustain your deployment through many years and create department level power users
  • Approaches to end user training and the pros and cons of each approach based on your organizational culture
  • How to create a communication plan that will sustain project momentum across all levels of the organization

Workshop participants will walk away with a SharePoint End User Adoption strategy customized for their unique organization and project and deliverable templates to begin executing the work stream.